Spammers Are Jackasses
I have a great blog here! You know how I know? Because all the stupid-fucking spammers who keep posting comments.
They are so on my short list of jackasses now.
For anyone who reads my blog, you can see that I have primarily comments from spamming idiots who want other people to visit their carpet cleaning, tax trading, or sex sites. I can't wait to see what I will get next. I am most assured that a fuckface spammer will add a comment to this entry as well.
Now, I see I can utilize a certain blogspot function that stops such spam from occuring, but I'm a glutton for punishment. So, as of this moment, there is a contest where I will pick a winner whose site or post most embodies the qualities of a jackass. I will announce the winner when I am sufficiently pissed-off enough to do so. The jackasses so far are amateurs and undeserving of anything but my scorn.
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