Thursday, April 14, 2005

Jackass, Michigan

My Blog has suffered as of late. Mainly because I needed to visit my parents in Jackass, Michigan and the land of dial-up, which isn't conducive to writing entries.

Of course there isn't really a city in Michigan with the proper name of Jackass. The real name of the city is Jackson, but I think Jackass is close enough. And honestly, if you've ever been there, you would agree. That I should hail from such a disaster wounds me. Seriously, I was buying alcohol at a grocery store and the woman carding me asked why the hell I would come to Jackson, even for a visit. I shared with her it was because of the World Famous Illuminated Cascade Falls. (See if you can spot them at the top of the web page.) The cashier rolled her eyes at me.

Anyway, I am back. I will write more. Before I do, let me part by sharing some observations of Jackasses I made on my road-trip out there:

1) Hey, you, the jackass who thinks that just because you are travelling at a high speed means you get to hang out in the left lane: I may be going faster than you. Get the hell out of my way.

2) I think all police are jackasses, but Illinois police are at the top of my short list for jackasses. No one should be able to stop me to say that he wanted to maybe warn me that maybe I was following a semi too closely, and maybe I need a warning. Either I was or I wasn't, jackass.

3) The Utah Tree. Enough said.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to be fair. iowa was so much worse than the poor decrepit odd utah tree. and I felt so much safer being stopped in the middle of the night on a deserted stretch of I-80 in jackass, illinois to be berated for following a semi too close.

thank the jackass nearest to you for P-I-G-S and warnings.

4:10 AM  

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