John G. Roberts Is A Jackass
It's a fact, folks. And I cannot BELIEVE jackasses like Sen. Dianne Feinstein and others who want to do NOTHING MORE than ask better QUESTIONS of the man. His record is well known. What the hell else is there to know? Nothing. Here's a little taste of his grotesque record:
**While serving as Deputy Solicitor General, he asked
the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, saying
“[w]e continue to believe that Roe was wrongly decided
and should be overruled.... [T]he Court’s conclusion
in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an
abortion... finds no support in the text, structure,
or history of the Constitution.”
**He has urged the Court to limit the legal remedies
women could seek when their rights under Title IX were
**Also, while working as Deputy Solicitor General, he
filed a friend of the court brief on behalf of
Operation Rescue and others, who routinely blocked
access to abortion clinics, arguing it was not direct
discrimination against women!
**Roberts wrote affirmative action programs were bound
to fail because they required “recruiting of
inadequately prepared candidates”.
**He ruled in October 2004 that the civil rights of a
12-year-old African American girl were not violated
when she was handcuffed and arrested for eating a
single French Fry on the Washington, D.C. metro
**In a recently-decided case brought by a Guantanamo
Bay prisoner, Judge Roberts joined a ruling holding
that the government could try terrorism suspects
without granting them basic due process protections.
**Roberts criticized the Supreme Court for overturning
a Texas law designed to keep undocumented immigrant
children from getting a public education.
**As a legal aide in the Reagan administration in
1983, he declared that he would support creating a
national ID card in order to combat "the real threat
to our social fabric posed by uncontrolled
**The Supreme Court's Lawrence v. Texas ruling was in
favor of legal and privacy protections for gays and
lesbians, overruling the state legislature. In
recently released memos, Roberts has referenced this
ruling while raising questions about "intrusive"
**As Deputy Solicitor General, he urged the Court to
uphold school sponsored prayer at graduation
ceremonies and eliminate a key Supreme Court
protection of government neutrality toward religion.
**Roberts praised Chief Justice Rehnquist's dissent in
a Supreme Court decision that overturned an Alabama
law authorizing public school sanctioned moments of
silence for prayer or meditation, calling the ruling
And that's just a TASTE!
Roberts is a threat, period.
If just hoping for a better process or more insightful questions just isn't cutting it for you, and you live in the San Francisco or Oakland Area, I invite you to protest Feinstein and her ilk for not having a backbone. She should be protesting the very hearings and whipping up support for filibuster, not spewing boldfaced lies about how it's impossible to know where he stands.
Protest Tues. 9/6 at Feinstein's Offices
In SF--gather 5pm at Post & Market (Montgomery BARTstation)
In Oakland--gather 5pm at 14th St. & Broadway (City Center/12th St. BART station)
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